Pizza is a universal favorite food. There’s nothing like a hot, fresh pizza from the oven, straight from your kitchen! You can start a home-based pizza business with just a little planning and preparation. The type of pizza business you run can range from delivery service to something as simple as baking the pizzas in the ovens in your home.
How to start a pizza business
Plan out your business start-up costs before you get started. You will need to invest in ovens, pizza pans, dough mixes, and ingredients, a cash register, tables and chairs for eating in areas, cups for drinks, serving utensils, plates, and so much more. The best way to start is by looking at your monthly expenses and then adding what you think you will need. It is usually a good idea to allow some wiggle room for any unexpected costs as well.
Choose the type of pizza business that suits your needs and interests best. You can sell whole pizzas or slices, depending on how many ovens you have available in your home. You can bake pizzas in the oven and deliver them or pick up the phone and place your orders from a delivery service. If you want to bake slices rather than whole pizzas, then you’ll have more time available for other jobs as well.
Put together a business plan before you start making pizzas. This will give you a better sense of your expenses, how much money you can make each month, and where to keep track of all your business records.

Check with your local zoning board about the laws in your area concerning home-based businesses. You may have to get a permit or pay fees before starting. Most home-based businesses are allowed in most areas, but it’s best to check before investing any money in supplies.
Browse through your local library or favorite book store for cookbooks that contain pizza recipes. You might even want to check out the internet for pizza recipes that are suited to your own personal recipe style. If you’re unsure about making pizzas, you will need to take some cooking lessons or have someone show you how to do it. This might be something that your employees would have to handle since there are so many steps involved in making pizzas.
Choose a name for your business, get the proper licensing and permits needed, look through your paperwork carefully to make sure everything is correct and up to date, and you are ready to go!
Advertise Your New Pizza Shop
As a pizza shop owner, you know that there are many competitors in the market. This includes local pizzerias and national chains with aggressive advertising campaigns. It can be difficult to stand out from the crowd, but it’s not impossible!
One way to advertise your pizza shop is with coupons. People love discounts, and they love free things even more! Provide them with special offers like buy-one-get-one-free or discounts on large pizzas. That will make people want to come in and try out your product!
Once you get customers into the store and eat at your place of business, you need to keep them coming back. This is where customer loyalty programs come in! Offer your most regular customers discounts for their next visits or free pizza with a regular purchase. You can also reward people for inviting new customers in with contests and drawings.
The final way to advertise your pizzeria is with word-of-mouth. This is especially effective when you have loyal customers who enjoy your products. Make sure they know what kind of advertising campaign you are running so you can all work together! If someone loves to eat at your shop, they will be happy to spread the word about your business in their community.